Mind, Body & Emotional strength
Life has become far more dynamic than ever before!
Living in a fast paced world is stressful and can very often lead to stress-related disorders, lower levels of energy and even chronic fatigue.
The covid19 pandemic has exasperated levels of anxiety, fear & feelings of uncertainty. Do not let this situation destroy your wellbeing!
I host large & small scale wellbeing events, workshops, courses, classes and sessions for numerous organisations that instil in you, the techniques you require to eradicate stress. I also help individuals using a range of therapies on a one to one basis to empower themselves using various modalities to create a better state of mind. Booking any of the services displayed above, will empower you or your work force in a very deep and lasting way.
If you want to feel the willingness and drive to successfully enhance your state of mind, physical health and emotional intelligence then this process will certainly work for you. Deciding to have no more negative thoughts, destructive cycles or engaging in self sabotaging behaviours... or to change the manner in which you view negativity is the first step.
If you want to build any environment with business professionals, care home residents, members of a community or students in a school or college that are filled with enthusiasm, bravery, overcome obstacles and enhance their own state of wellness daily, then get in touch!
If you want to enhance your own health, state of being & empowerment, as well as taking it to another level as an individual, then get in touch!
I am an author, speaker & teacher of wellbeing disciplines who has created a new modality for any and all people who wish to positively enhance themselves. I deliver events for companies, communities, care homes, universities, schools, organisations & individuals. This new system has been fashioned from a compilation of allopathic, holistic, longevity & martial art root modalities.
I have packaged the best techniques from the best global experts and applied these principles to cultivate confidence & joyfulness in my life and the lives of many others.
Positivity & wellbeing was always something I amalgamated into my life in childhood. I was intent to create a steady and sharp state of being. Stress itself can be seen as something positive, if harnessed correctly.
Some of the systems I use, tap into the power of NLP, life coaching, nutrition, tai chi, qi gong, evolution, holistic therapy arts,
mindfulness, genetics, human behavioural studies, martial arts, fitness coaching, dance, yoga and some unique modalities that are not yet practice in the west.
Coupled with my knowledge and understanding of diseases of both the body and mind, I have developed something many have described by many as truly valuable. Each unique fusion is interactive, life-changing and
designed to redirect the energy of stress in a focused positive manner. I call this system, Power Meditation.
With very best wishes,
Paul Tavares
Author of Power Meditation
I have qualified in numerous wellbeing modalities, as well as having a BSc in Biochemistry & Genetics with behavioural ecology, an MSc in Microbiology, PRINCE2, NEBOSH (Health & Safety qualification) & Managing Successful Programs (MSP).
I have always been fascinated with human functionality and how we can improve our current state of being. I have enjoyed studying ways in which we adapt, evolve and become better, specifically when placed under various forms of stress. That is why, after finishing my masters, I began my career at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), working in the pipeline genetics department on various diseases studies including depression, asthma, HIV and Alzheimer studies.
I went on to tackle various projects of interest in many other well-known companies such as the Health Protection Agency & the Medical Research Council (MRC) where participated in health related microbiology discussions and conducted daily evaluations of test kits for diseases like HIV assisting in the wider goal of prevention of mother to child transmission at birth, see reference (click here). I also co-published a paper on dementia-like brain diseases caused by infectious proteins in the lancet following my work at the MRC (click here)
As well as working in the scientific field, I have worked on section 135 & 136 of the mental health act in collaboration with Local Area Teams, hospitals and Clinical Commissioning Groups. Whilst working in both the corporate world & for organisations like NHS Clinics, University College London Hospital, The Department of Health and the Care Quality Commission, many of my colleagues complimented me on my stress free & positive outlook to life. Many noticed my cheerful yet professional demeanour and often wondered how I managed to maintain focus and clarity. I was often requested to take on additional roles in many organisations including dignity at work advisor and mentor for all new starters in the pipeline genetics department at GSK. Having worked in many worlds in many ways the fusion of allopathic & complimentary health I offer is very unique indeed. There is a way to make yourself both highly productive yet joyful, strong yet calm and healthy, let me show you how.

Certificate of Commendation
Nominated by A United Nations affiliated organisation & presented by the Mayor of Croydon for bringing my unique and effective empowerment & wellbeing modalities to numerous organisations and individuals in the UK. These include residents in over 40 different care homes, stressed business professionals in the corporate world, children in collages/schools and individuals suffering with a range of mind & emotional disorders.